Category Archives: make a difference

sick of the slander

I wrote the email below because I am tired of receiving ridiculous emails regarding Obama.  There seems to be quite the dirty smear campaign going on.  I decided to send this email to the offenders in the hopes that they will do a little fact checking instead of clicking the forward button.  Feel free to copy and edit the text for your own use.


Dear Friends and Family,


This is a very exciting election year; I am watching the presidential election closely.


As of this moment, I have not decided for whom I will vote.  I have watched most of the Democratic National Convention, and I plan on watching a fair amount of the Republican National Convention.  I want to hear what the candidates have to say.  I want to hear the content of their speeches and the those of their supporters.  I am hardly at all interested in the mostly biased and shallow commentary by the “news” reporters on television.  Most of what we hear on television is actually speculation and opinion.


I am certainly not interested in forwarded emails that are formulated of heresy and slander about either candidate.  I do not want to read anything that has to do with smearing the name of your candidate’s opponent. 


I would be interested in your own personal emails about why you would like me to consider your choice for presidential office.  Perhaps his character, past work/government experience, or vice presidential choice might be excellent talking points for you.  Might I suggest visiting your candidate’s website for more suggestions?


Here are both candidates’ official websites listed in alphabetical order by last name:


If you would like to peruse the actual facts regarding recent slander against Obama I recommend visiting:


(I have included these links because I have received a lot of smear emails against Obama in particular. I find them offensive because they are not accurate, and that makes me want to defend him.)


May the best candidate prevail!





Part of “living green” is reducing consumption. This may include gasoline, paper products, or materialism. One thing I try to focus on in my own life is reduce my consumption of plastic. Plastic may be recyclable, but it takes a lot of energy to do so. (I also believe the recycled plastic may not be used for food containers. Correct me if I’m wrong).

I’ve started to slowly replace the liquid soap pumps around my house with glass or porcelein soap dishes. The reduction of plastic is two-fold. First, there is no longer the pumps themselves which eventually break and must be thrown into the trash. Second, the refill bottle is no longer part of the cycle either. Thirdly, (I just thought of this one) the soap bars I am using are more natural products themselves and do not contain petroleum products. Yay!

I love the way the light hits this dish. This happened to be the only one I bought new. The rest I have purchased at thrift stores.

holy blazes

It’s really hot outside.  I’m certainly not complaining (although I wish it were seventy or eighty degrees), but it’s given me sympathy for those who walk and bike and bus.  I try not to go out in the middle of the day, but I had to meet my knitting group at six this evening, and sweat was dripping down my face.  And my jacket needs a good washing and deodorizing on the interior if you know what I mean.

I did expect this heat, but I am happy to do my part to downsize.

town hall

Wednesday, June 25th, 2008 6-8p.m.

Chandler City Council Chambers/Downtown Library 2nd Floor

Help shape Chandler’s transportation future. What direction should we take? What should our priorities be? Wider streets and intersection? Improved pedestrian walkways? More bicycle lanes? Urban trails? Light rail, trains, buses?

shout out!



Congrats to Sean and Bekah. Sean just recently graduated with his Master’s in Clinical Psychology, and Bekah is soon going to be a Rabbi! Woot!

Both have worked very hard for many years, and I am proud to call both friends. They recently visited Phoenix to celebrate with their friends and family barbeque style. Later in the week, we had dinner at Pita Jungle and visted the almighty Golden Spoon.

Pump for Chandler Biodiesel

Woot! This is really exciting news. Some friends of mine have cars that run on biodiesel, and I know that it is inconvienient to collect and process one’s own grease. Having a local source for already converted oil will be a huge step for those who have been considering the switch. It sounds as though it will be at a much lower cost than traditional diesel as well.

More and more alternatives to traditional fuel will be a better solution than one. In other words, we can’t all switch to one other type of fuel–we need diversity. A community that has a strong mass transit system combined with telecommuting, biking, electric and algae fueled cars, motorcycles, and transportation options that haven’t been invented yet are a better solution than simply processing mass quantities of corn and soy for fuel.

Growing food like we have been is not sustainable and is poisoning our water and land. We need to return to closed system farming that recycles the waste of animals into fertilizer for the crops. Farms like Polyface Farms in Vermont are an example of the types of farms we need to support as consumers. I know here in Arizona we have access to CSA‘s and local farms like Crooked Sky Farms and Tonopah Rob’s Farm from which we can buy our produce.

If you aren’t able to garden yourself, I recommend joining a local CSA or finding out how you can buy produce at a farmer’s market.
