Pump for Chandler Biodiesel

Woot! This is really exciting news. Some friends of mine have cars that run on biodiesel, and I know that it is inconvienient to collect and process one’s own grease. Having a local source for already converted oil will be a huge step for those who have been considering the switch. It sounds as though it will be at a much lower cost than traditional diesel as well.

More and more alternatives to traditional fuel will be a better solution than one. In other words, we can’t all switch to one other type of fuel–we need diversity. A community that has a strong mass transit system combined with telecommuting, biking, electric and algae fueled cars, motorcycles, and transportation options that haven’t been invented yet are a better solution than simply processing mass quantities of corn and soy for fuel.

Growing food like we have been is not sustainable and is poisoning our water and land. We need to return to closed system farming that recycles the waste of animals into fertilizer for the crops. Farms like Polyface Farms in Vermont are an example of the types of farms we need to support as consumers. I know here in Arizona we have access to CSA‘s and local farms like Crooked Sky Farms and Tonopah Rob’s Farm from which we can buy our produce.

If you aren’t able to garden yourself, I recommend joining a local CSA or finding out how you can buy produce at a farmer’s market.
