Cats and Floors
My Mom’s House
Llamas and Kangaroos
My Garden
Red Lettuce
Zoo Lights
Staring Ducks
My nephew Alek
Tom started a blog to write about his thoughts and actions during the next year of not buying anything. Please take twenty minutes and check out the Story of Stuff as well.
Dave W. and I met again. This time we looked over my memory book from Israel/Palestine. We talked about our memories of Jeff’s charley horse, walking to Jaffa from Tel Aviv, and meeting for hookah with Sean.
We also called the Engel’s house, and we ended up meetin Rodney at Starbuck’s for coffee. We had fun reminiscing about the mule, the wind tower and various foreign exchange students.
Next week, we plan on driving around Mesa the meeting up with Rodney again.
I had another great afternoon with Dave. We looked through another album and reminisced. His parents fed me way too much sugar–they’ve been baking for the holidays.
We called Jeff on speaker phone, and we badgered him until he came over too. It was the first time the three of us had been together since Israel.
I want to know who is running for president.
I want to know where they stand on the issues.
I want to know who are the candidates that are not republican or democrat.
I want the media to actually cover these other candidates.
Here is the best list of candidates I could find. (I found a more extensive list, but the candidates did not all have complete bios. It did list their party affiliation–did you know there are some crazy parties out there? Check out the United Fascist party or the Light party.)
I am extremely excited for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law–they have decided to buy nothing new for one year. This is something I have been interested in exploring further myself, but I never expected to know anyone who would take this amazing plunge. You can read about the “rules” they are following, and I also recommend reading the Good magazine article.
I was able to visit my friend Dave W. He is doing so much better. He still attends rehab for learning things he should know, but we had a great time reminiscing. We looked through an old photo album I had, and I reminded him of people and he told me stories about them. I was really impressed with what he recalled.
I am going back next week.
I feel as though I’ve been working on the floors forever. Soon they will be done.
I am on phase two: the kitchen side. Meaning: the other half of the bottom floor of our house. Carpet and linoleum are both ripped up. (Thanks to Grant for finishing that part.) On to patching, priming, painting, glazing, sealing…Trim work–painting and caulking. Finishing the bathroom–ceiling: painting and glazing, hanging the light fixture, installing the cabinet…Moving all the furniture back, moving the studio downstairs, buying and installing an actual curtain for the arcadia door in the kitchen…
Monday is supposedly my last day at work…
Christmas is only two weeks away. I feel unprepared. I wanted to observe advent this year. So far, I haven’t. I don’t feel like my spirit is in a state of waiting; I feel like it is in a state of wishing everything would just slow down.