sick of the slander

I wrote the email below because I am tired of receiving ridiculous emails regarding Obama.  There seems to be quite the dirty smear campaign going on.  I decided to send this email to the offenders in the hopes that they will do a little fact checking instead of clicking the forward button.  Feel free to copy and edit the text for your own use.


Dear Friends and Family,


This is a very exciting election year; I am watching the presidential election closely.


As of this moment, I have not decided for whom I will vote.  I have watched most of the Democratic National Convention, and I plan on watching a fair amount of the Republican National Convention.  I want to hear what the candidates have to say.  I want to hear the content of their speeches and the those of their supporters.  I am hardly at all interested in the mostly biased and shallow commentary by the “news” reporters on television.  Most of what we hear on television is actually speculation and opinion.


I am certainly not interested in forwarded emails that are formulated of heresy and slander about either candidate.  I do not want to read anything that has to do with smearing the name of your candidate’s opponent. 


I would be interested in your own personal emails about why you would like me to consider your choice for presidential office.  Perhaps his character, past work/government experience, or vice presidential choice might be excellent talking points for you.  Might I suggest visiting your candidate’s website for more suggestions?


Here are both candidates’ official websites listed in alphabetical order by last name:


If you would like to peruse the actual facts regarding recent slander against Obama I recommend visiting:


(I have included these links because I have received a lot of smear emails against Obama in particular. I find them offensive because they are not accurate, and that makes me want to defend him.)


May the best candidate prevail!



a myth is a female moth

It’s funny the strange phrases one remembers from junior high.

Last week, as I was watering my garden, there was movement under the chard as something rather large struggled to avoid getting soused.  I thought at first it must’ve been a mouse or lizard even though I have never seen a mouse at my house nor a lizard of that size, but a rather large moth started crawling up the wall.  It was bigger than my lens cap, and the beautiful pink markings made me grab my camera.



Last week, David and I drove to Prescott.

Ahhh…out of town…it was so nice to get out of the heat, and even better that David went too.  We had a wonderful time.  We stopped at the Rock Springs Cafe both on the way up and back.  In Prescott we stayed in a little B&B called the Gurley Street Lodge.  The owner’s wife was an artist, and I was able to spend quite a bit of time talking to her about art.  That was encouraging.  We walked around town, shopped, drank beer, watched the clog dancers, and hung out in The Raven.


This is the cabin in which we stayed. Full kitchen, two bedroom, nice and clean.  The weather was amazing; on our drive up, it was pouring rain.


You know you want some world famous whisky pecan pie.  You do.



David wanted a red cream soda, but we didn’t have any cash.  The minimum for debit was ten dollars, so I bought some local orange blossom honey.  Mmmmm…


The Raven serves local and organic food whenever possible.  I had a salad and soup as well as an iced americano here.  They have lots of art on the walls and support the music scene as well.  David and I hung out here for a few hours.  I read a book about photography, and he read one about a journalist traveling to China.


And how many coffee shops in your neighborhood have the awesomeness that is this?

roadtrip to tucson


Earlier this summer, Aimee, Stephanie, Ryan and I traveled down to Tucson to get out of town.  The heat was inescapable as Tucson has relatively the same temperature as Phoenix, but it does have an interesting artsy, indie, hippie culture which is an oasis in itself.  In the downtown fourth avenue area, we ate at a vegetarian restaurant with a morroccan theme for lunch, purused the books at a liberal bookstore, and drank coffee at a stand with a back patio.  I watched the three others pick up mesquite pods from the dirty sidewalk in front of where we parked; they intended to make flour from the pods, but Stephanie said they went bad after a couple of forgotten weeks in the car. We also picked up native Arizonan seeds from the Native Seed Search store.  We finished the day trip with a visit to a local coffee roaster where Aimee managed to talk the owner into buying all of our drinks, and we ate dinner at the Korean restaurant next door.  And we played “Hinky-Pinky” for about a full dirty hour on the return drive.






Phoenix Photographers

There is an exhibit being planned in the Pie Braggs Factory, opening October First Friday (October 3rd, 2008).

The theme is: Mysterious: simultaneously arousing wonder and inquisitiveness
The photographs do not need to be Halloween themed. They do need an air of mystery.

If you have photographs you would like to be considered, please contact the curator:
Please send along your artist resume/bio including a list of all exhibits and publications, as well as links to photographs you are submitting.

This is open to Phoenix based photographers only. It is a local exhibit.