the farm

Yay! The farm stand is re-opening this weekend at Agritopia.  I love their produce.  It is grown under standards that are just as stringent as organic without the hefty price tag.  It’s also really fresh because the pull it from the ground usually the day before or even that morning!

happy birthday krystofer!


It’s been amazing watching you grow up (we’ve known each other since I was twelve).  You have a beautiful wife and a beautiful family.  You’ve been my friend through the good times and the bad, and I am better for having known you.  And no one plays a better game of dangling participles than you.

ballot (with update)

I finally made myself sit down to fill out my early ballot.  Ideally, I would’ve filled it out last week and mailed it.  Now I must take it to my polling station anyway in order to turn it in.

I was hoping that Arizona wouldn’t be a swing state, so I could vote third party but alas, I voted for one of the main two.

I also found this site helpful. It lists easy to understand information about the propositions.  Here’s a link to Arizona’s specific page.   I was surprised after reading many of the descriptions–the little blurb on the ballot really isn’t enough to go on.

If you are into non-violence and hippie information–this site may also be biased and helpful for advice on how to vote. (scroll down)

I encourage you to fill out your sample ballot that you should’ve received in the mail last week, so you can take it with you to the polling station on Tuesday.

I have to say that the whole process isn’t really easy, but I please vote on things that you understand.  You can always leave sections blank if you want.


A friend of mine who knows things about judicary areas of our Arizonan government recomended to me to vote no on retaining judges Buttrick, Dunevant, and Ryan.



So that wasn’t an acorn squash.  It was a melon.  And I was getting prepped to stuff the “squash” with quinoa for lunch.  It was grown from seeds I purchased at the native seed store in Tucson.  Earlier this summer, I planted a lot of different things hoping anything would grown.  Quelle surprise!

(Guess I should keep better records.  Or any records.)