Category Archives: people

shout out!



Congrats to Sean and Bekah. Sean just recently graduated with his Master’s in Clinical Psychology, and Bekah is soon going to be a Rabbi! Woot!

Both have worked very hard for many years, and I am proud to call both friends. They recently visited Phoenix to celebrate with their friends and family barbeque style. Later in the week, we had dinner at Pita Jungle and visted the almighty Golden Spoon.

david and thomas

One of David’s brothers, Thomas, stayed with us for a few days in April. I tried to get a nice picture of the two of them before Thomas left, but something happens to the Mulhern boys when they get in front of a camera lens. They fidget. They laugh. They poke each other. It’s an impossible task. So I take what I can get. Here is my concession.



toe jam


I received an email from my friend Michael Mullowney today. We took several classes together including watercolor and jewelry design. (By the way, never take jewelry class at 7:40a.m. No one should be handling blow torches or acid that early.)

His watercolors will illustrate a children’s book called Toe Jam. The book is about little fairies similar to the tooth fairy but with a much more disgusting job. If you can think of a job grosser than collecting teeth.

Congratulations to Michael.

Happy Birthday Stacy!!!

Happy Birthday to my friend Stacy.

She and I have known each other for about ten years now…whew, ten years, REALLY?!

We met after she broke her ankle ice skating. (Go awkard college church events-woot!) I felt sorry for the poor girl who couldn’t stand like every one else during the singing time at church, so I would sit with her. (Actually, I liked being able to relax–man, those songs go on forever!)

Anyway, we went to ASU, lived together, laughed together…she was in my wedding…ate sushi together…I think I got her to like mustard…I crashed her car…she introduced me to personality profiles and being a more sensitive person…

Here’s to another ten years!


yellow light

Argh. I struggle everyday with disciplining myself. I want so badly to go into the studio every day and create amazing works of art of which I am so proud. But everytime I complete one, I am mostly dissatisfied with the result. It isn’t what I intended. I want to draw and paint like someone else, but whenever I start drawing I draw what I draw. It feels derivitive and illustrative.

Worse yet, I feel compelled to sell out and create what everyone else is creating right now–art inspired by fifties throwback ideals. Little drawings of birds, children, owls, and men with horn rimmed glasses. Stencils seem to be pretty hot right now too. What is out there right now, what is selling, is a mix of craft and high art and interior design.

The light is always best in my studio in the mornings, but I distract myself doing the chores around the house until the light goes bad, then tell myself I can’t possibly work in the dark or under that terrible yellow bulb. Then I go outside to run errands and water the yard and answer email. (I certainly haven’t spent much time blogging.)


Here is a picture of Stephanie in Austin looking snarky.


it’s coming…

Taco Day Tres is May 10th! 10am-10pm

View last year’s tally: Taco Day Dos

Donations will benefit: JustOne

Mark your calendars!

Location will be at the Newsome house in downtown Phoenix.  (Don’t know where that is?  Send me an email, and I will send you directions).