Category Archives: life at home

google reader

So I wrote off using blog feeds a long time ago because I didn’t like not seeing the post in context of the website.  But then I read a post that suggested using a feature of Google’s reader called “next.”  You place it in your bookmarks, and click on it.  It brings you to each updated post in the actual website.  Then you click on “next” again, and it takes you to the next updated site.  Awesome!

I used it for the first time today, and at the very end, this is the page it took me to.  And this was the text:

The End of the Internet

Congratulations! This is the last page.

Thank you for visiting the End of the Internet. There are no more links.

You must now turn off your computer and go do something productive.

Go read a book, for pete’s sake.



I find the holidays a little stressful.  Not because I am busy, but because I feel as though I need to “match” the level of giving.  Which is strange because I really love giving gifts, and I really don’t expect anything back, but if someone gives me something I feel as though my gift should match the value of whatever I received.  Does that make sense?  Gift giving always feels particularly out of control within my family because everyone else LOVES giving gifts.

I have been trying to prepare my handmade gifts early this year.  I usually supplement with purchased handcrafted items as well.  And I also succumb to store bought items generally reserved for the adult males in my life.  And children.  I really struggle with this.  I don’t want to be “educating” my family at Christmas time.  I don’t intend on creating any guilt during what should be a joyous and thoughtful occasion.   Meh…but then I feel guilty for the excess.

How do you handle the holidays?  Thoughts?



So that wasn’t an acorn squash.  It was a melon.  And I was getting prepped to stuff the “squash” with quinoa for lunch.  It was grown from seeds I purchased at the native seed store in Tucson.  Earlier this summer, I planted a lot of different things hoping anything would grown.  Quelle surprise!

(Guess I should keep better records.  Or any records.)



work emails, saddle soap (apparently bad for leather, need to find suitable replacement), wash scooter, ULTA, lunch with Michelle (cancelled), call Joy S. (emailed), Doc Martens?, bruise wheel?, finish Deana’s painting, email Western Builders with invoice, fill out early ballot, chiropractic appointment (rescheduled), finish exterior paint repair, talk to Ida about someone else heading up the community garden…I think that’s it. Maybe.

old warriors

It’s been a strange few weeks around here with the insect observation.  I’ve had a rather intimidating sized spider living above our door, her three foot web strung tightly between the palm and the grapefruit tree. I’ve left her alone because I am weary of the mosquitos.  She could easily straddle a half dollar.


Tonight, we noticed a three-inch-long green dragonfly by the outside lamp.  Dragonflies also eat mosquitos, and their larvae eat mosquito larvae. Crazy, eh? Look at those wings!
