Category Archives: life at home

happy hour

today’s tasty beverage is fresh squeezed orange juice from my tree, vodka, a splash of vanilla extract, and a few mint leaves.

i almost went with sage, but i thought i would go more classic. that, and i have twice as much mint as sage, and sage is tastier friend in butter than swimming in alcohol.

this screwdriver pairs well with darning sweaters and mending torn pockets.

earring solution

for years, i’ve kept my earrings in a jumble in a small unattractive “jewelry” box.

i suppose i’m a creature of habit…anyone?


i finally decided enough was enough! especially with the big, dangly, tangly, earring craze that’s going on right now.

so my solution was to buy an inexpensive piece of felt from the local giant craft store.

i used my fancy new sewing scissors to cut diamond shaped holes in it,

i swiped a wooden skirt hangar from my closet, et voila!

my new earring holder!

found blanket

last year, i went with susan to an antique store and bought a gorgeous hand knitted blanket.

or was it a table cloth?

either way, i knew i wouldn’t be using it as either because i didn’t want to wash it frequently.

but i loved loved loved it.

i finally hung it over the metal canopy of our bed so it acted as a headboard.

the sketchbook project 1


i really wanted to participate in the sketchbook project.

basically, you receive a sketchbook, do your thing, send it back.

then it goes around the country in a show.

but mine is blank. i’ve had it since november, the deadline to send it back is january 15th.

i just don’t know how this is going to end…although i have my suspicions.