and as quickly as the season came, it was gone.
Category Archives: just thinking
christmas lights
today is thanksgiving.
i’m going to spend it with my family: mom, sister, brother, their families, a few others…
holidays are a big deal on my side of the family which is always a bit overwhelming because my mister and i are more introverted.
but i am thankful that i have family, a place to be, a sense of belonging…
i am grateful for
for what are you thankful?
“be safe”
Most people will quote these words to me as I walk towards my scooter. Coming from another rider, it’s a friendly thing to say-there’s camaraderie in it, but coming from a car driver it can be frustrating. I understand what they are saying-they want me to stay whole and hale. But I wonder if their behavior has changed in response to having a friend ride.
Let me say I am safe. I began my love affair with riding by taking a motorcycle safety course. I am hyper vigilant. I am always aware of my relation to cars on the road. I never text, talk on the phone, talk to passengers, look at a map, read a magazine, put on makeup, or eat while driving. I never even listed to music. I only drive. I maintain my scooter with regular services and replace the tires when they require. I know that my safety depends on my level of attention. Most motorcycle accidents considered the fault of the cyclist involve substance abuse. I never drink and ride.
Which leads me to say…if a motorcyclist is involved in an accident, it is most often due to the inattention of other drivers. I ask you: are you safe? Do you consider the lives of others on the road as you enter your vehicle? When you tell me to be safe out there, I hope that you are safe. Because my life is in the hands of others.
*update* My friend Monica took this shot
la brea

I finally named my vespa. After she sunk into a freshly paved street and fell over, she was christened LaBrea. I think it’s fitting. A couple weeks later, she was backed into by an anonymous car. I found her tipped over on her side. A lot of damage. Fortunately, she landed on the same side where the minor scratch from the first incident was.
I dropped her off at Vespa of Chandler today (with Stephanie’s help). Hopefully, she will be ready soon. I twittered about it, and Joe offered me a loaner Vespa! Hooray! That means I can ride over to redPear and take some photos! And perhaps get over to Sarah’s and visit baby Ellie!
This summer is drawing to a close…everyone is going back to school. I am going to get a full time job. I wish the weather would suddenly cool down to match the season. My cousin in Calgary said the trees are already turning color. Granted, I do not wish for the intense winters they have, but a ten degree drop in temperature in late August would be nice.
health care
I believe the people of this country are holding back their creativity. I believe that many never follow their dreams because they are held back in fear of lack of health insurance. I know so many fathers and mothers who don’t strike out that idea for their personal passion whether it is a t-shirt company, a restaurant, or a music career. Instead, they take a “safe” job which deadens their heart and leaves them feeling as though they have betrayed themselves.
When I travel to other countries, I am always delighted by the individual shops and businesses. The small flower shops, the chocolatiers, the music stores. The restaurants! The small food carts! We are being robbed!
I believe that we as a country had more than enough money to pay for health insurance for all. At least for all the children. Instead we squandered it on war and bad loans. We could rebuild our economy with actual dreams this time around. I hope that this is something that happens in my lifetime.
And here’s a link that got me all fired up about this topic again.
officially thirty

I turned thirty on Thursday. I know a lot of people have had a hard time with this number, but it didn’t really bother me. I suppose because it all feels the same to me. Except that what used to seem “old” doesn’t really seem old anymore. And I seem to be growing these new hairs that are white. I really hope they are silver. I have always wanted silver hair. Or silver hair with a white stripe, but I think you already have to have a streak to begin with.
I had a great doble quincenera. Shout out to Craig who hired a mariachi band. And Stephanie for all the preparations she did for the party. Steph is an amazing cook and baker/bakeress? And Jacy for stuffing the pinata. And Wendi for letting me have the party over there. And Joy for loaning me her wedding dress. And Carrie for the quincenera bouquet. And Brenda for the quincenera shoes. And eveyone’s really thoughtful gifts.  And the level of participation in the costumes! (Please send pictures to my email if you have them!)
On my actual birthday, I had a few free meals and tried to see a free movie, but I found out it’s only free popcorn now-boo! It was a really relaxing day spent with David. The picture above is from Yuptha’s Thai Kitchen which is one of my favorite restaurants. They brought me a coconut ice cream with a candle in it.
And speaking of David…he got me a bicycle! Yay! This is something about which I am really excited. My old bike is from the seventies and it’s hard to ride. It is so heavy that it makes my legs ache.  This new one is made for commuting, so I plan on riding to work. I’ll post pictures of it soon.
MLK day
I encourage you to spend some time reading, listening, or watching videos relating to Martin Luther King Jr. today. A friend of mine has put together a wonderful post that includes links, videos and quotes. Please honor the significance of the day by learning something new about who Dr. King was. He was an incerdible orator and trulyunderstood the power of nonviolence.
The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate.
war is over if you want it
Today was the anniversary of John Lennon’s murder.
I was not aware of the commitment that he and Yoko Ono had to peace and non-violence. These things are close to my heart, and I spent some time today watching a video posted on I also printed out a small poster to hang among my Christmas cards of the season. Their technique of using advertising is fascinating to me. I encourage you to watch the video. It’s a bit heart wrenching at the end, but very powerful.
WAR IS OVER! (If You Want It) from Yoko Ono on Vimeo.