Category Archives: free time

work day for front garden


The planning…


Tilling by hand…weren’t sure if we would have access to the roto-tiller. But those guys really tore it up–great job Adams and Jacob!


Thank you, Sonny. He also tilled the side of the yard where we plan on placing the tomatoes.


Winter lettuce


Chalk drawings


Our forewoman, Layla


I think this was leftover from New Year’s Eve…


Chico, Verdi, Avacado…what is your name?


Baby Shea never fails to provide a beautiful photo.

(All photos with the exception of the bird courtesy of Stephanie. All editing by Jamie)

last few days

My friend Alyssa looked so beautiful in the sun yesterday, you can even see her eyelashes in her shadow.


Phoenix has a crazy downtown library. I picked up my bus book there. The architecture is definitely industrial.



Here’s a building I really want to get a better picture of…This was a drive by.



Currently Reading: How to Live Well Without a Car by Chris Balish

I have been considering selling my car in order to live car-free.  This has been on my mind long before I gave my pre-warning notice at the chiropractor’s.  It entered my mind the same time my interest in goat farming emerged.  (Which isn’t so much of an interest as a running joke.)

Do I work to have a car?  This was the driving question in my mind.  I do enjoy driving.  I love the ability to pick up and go whenever I need something.  Or I want to visit a friend.  But what if this car mentality is feeding my consumer mentality–this idea of having what I want when I want it?

I don’t want to live in a mentality of consumerism.  And I know for sure that I want to live more radically than the way of suburban life.  I want my life to be a light of a different way.  A way that points to slowing down, meditation, eating from the earth, appreciating art.

I feel that having a car is pulling me away from the way I want to be.

I don’t think I am ready quite yet.  I have fear about being unable to visit certain friends in Queen Creek and another particular friend that doesn’t have a car.  I am afraid as to what my life would look like in the summer here in Phoenix.  I am nervous about depending on other peoples’ schedules in order to share rides.

I am optimistic about meeting new people.  I am excited to discover new places I have never noticed before.  I look forward to being more physically active through riding a bike and walking.  I am definitely looking forward to the reduction in costs and stress.

Any thoughts?