Category Archives: free time

fifties inspired wristwarmers


These knit up really quick! Super quick! Like buy the yarn and make them as gifts quick!

The yarn can be purchased at Knit Happens in Scottsdale if you are in the area.

And they are definitely a beginner level project.


one ball ella rae “latte” (yarn A) (any chunky weight yarn-i’ve used cascade 128 too)

one ball OnLine Linie 248 Cico (yarn B) (this yarn is a little hard to find-another great choice is Sublime’s Wooly Merino!)


size 7 (knit flat, but if you are into it, feel free to knit in the round)

Instructions (make two):

cast on 26 stitches with yarn A using the cable cast-on method.

Row 1: K2, P1 repeat to end

Row 2: P2, K1 repeat to end

Repeat rows 1 & 2 for 23 more rows ending with a right side row.

Next row (WS), change to yarn B.

Purl across.

Continue in garter stitch, purling every row for five more rows.

Bind off loosely.

Seam the side using the mattress stitch leaving approximately 2 1/4″ for a thumb opening.



I love a gin and tonic.

I suspect it has a lot to do with my swing band days, but nevertheless…

I heard about this gin called Hendrick’s which had the aroma of cucumber. I had to try it.

In my search for it, I found an organic tonic water sweetened with agave syrup to compliment it.


agritopia commercial corner

I’ve been part of a group that Joe Johnston has invited to brainstorm the idea of developing the commercial corner at Higley and Ray in Agritopia.  It’s been an interesting time to say the least, full of interesting people-I’m grateful for the chance to get to know all of them: Joe Johnston, Jeff Moriarty, Erich Schultz, Jessica Cuff, and James Johnston.

We brainstorm, mindmap, meet outside the group then come back together and share ideas again…hopefully, the development of the corner will begin soon because I can’t wait to visit it!

Here’s some portraits I recently took of Jessica and Jeff.


april in la

I spent an extended weekend last month in Los Angeles with my good friends Sean and Bekah.  A bit of a last hurrah before they welcome their beautiful baby into this world and I don’t have a spare room to sleep in anymore.  They always show me a great time-they are the type of host who has fun activities planned-interesting places to visit both intellectual and low brow.  Good times had by all.

One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the Huntington Library.  I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical just by the name.  I do like libraries, but it was a vacation after all.  But I was more than surprised.  And they pretty much had to drag me away from the place when it was time to leave.  It is basically a giant fun-land for people who like art, books, and plants.  I could have spent days wandering around the property.


This was an entire collection of each edition of The Origin of Species.


inaugural lions of scoodah club party

The Lions of Scoodah had our first official ride; we took a tour around Mesa. The ride included a stop at Bookman’s for coffee, a stop at Pioneer Park for photos, and a stop at Pro’s Ranch Market for groceries. We then went over to Joe’s for a Sonoran dog barbecue! Then we had a meeting where we set forth the qualifications to be in the club.


la brea


I finally named my vespa. After she sunk into a freshly paved street and fell over, she was christened LaBrea. I think it’s fitting. A couple weeks later, she was backed into by an anonymous car. I found her tipped over on her side. A lot of damage. Fortunately, she landed on the same side where the minor scratch from the first incident was.

I dropped her off at Vespa of Chandler today (with Stephanie’s help). Hopefully, she will be ready soon. I twittered about it, and Joe offered me a loaner Vespa! Hooray! That means I can ride over to redPear and take some photos! And perhaps get over to Sarah’s and visit baby Ellie!

This summer is drawing to a close…everyone is going back to school. I am going to get a full time job. I wish the weather would suddenly cool down to match the season. My cousin in Calgary said the trees are already turning color. Granted, I do not wish for the intense winters they have, but a ten degree drop in temperature in late August would be nice.

phoenix currency

Yesterday, I went to Cartel with Jacy, Stephanie, and Tracy (the newest addition to the girlhouse). Cartel makes a great cappuccino, and the vibe is pretty cool.  Kind of a garage feel mixed with college art building.  (If you’ve ever been to the school of art over at ASU, you’ll know what I mean.)

Jacy got her change in PHXBUX which is a new local art project/discount token.  I thought initially because of the name that the tokens would actually be used as a form of cash, but the website states that the tokens “are only good as a dollar off coupon at the participating businesses.”  One token can be redeemed per person per business each day.  A bit misleading from the impression one gets from the little information one receives at the register.

The tokens are interesting though-they are made from American Pewter and each one is polished by hand.  On the edges, they read: PHX BUX IN ART WE TRUST.  It seems to me from what I read on the website, that this is more of an experiment in art than an alternate form of currency.  I’ll be curious to see how things progress considering that the tokens were just released.


scooter ride to the top


Yesterday, Joe, Tim, and I rode our Vespas up to the top of South Mountain where the radio and television towers are located. I’ve never been up there before this ride, and there is an incredible view of a large portion of the valley. We took some pictures of our scooters, and then drove back down and ate lunch at Los Dos Molinos.


last weekend of festival

I love going to the Renaissance Festival. Probably a little more than most because I worked there for about four seasons.  It’s like visiting an old friend who always has something new going on.

Below is Adam Crack, six time Guiness world record holder.  Here he is cracking two 40 foot-ish long bull whips at the same time. They seemed to move so slowly, but gracefully, and cracked loudly. It seemed really hard. He said it took two (or was it four?) years with no girlfriend to learn how to do it.


Next is Adam Crack with two whips that were soaking in gasoline then lit on fire.  I am actually surprised how many performers tricks involve gasoline.


On to one of my favorite part of faire, the Mother Goose booth. She lets you hold and pet her goose. Look at Wendi loving an animal. She usually doesn’t do this sort of thing.




This definitely isn’t a summary of everything we did that day, but these were some of my favorites. At some point we went to one of my favorite shows: Dextre Tripp. Below you will see him juggling a chainsaw, an apple, and a torch.


Then he put the apple in his mouth and cut it in half with the chainsaw. (BTW, I love the girl in the corner who has her hands clutched to the sides of her head the whole time.)


Then he duct taped 200 black cat firecrackers to his bare torso with the help of a marine in the audience.  On each side of the stage, volunteers were positioned with water balloons to throw once the fuses were lit to help cool him off. Oh, and he was standing on a single ladder.





Later, we finally ran into my friend Ash with whom I went to high school and also worked the festival.


Good times.  Can’t wait until next year.