Category Archives: environment

found blanket

last year, i went with susan to an antique store and bought a gorgeous hand knitted blanket.

or was it a table cloth?

either way, i knew i wouldn’t be using it as either because i didn’t want to wash it frequently.

but i loved loved loved it.

i finally hung it over the metal canopy of our bed so it acted as a headboard.



wow. so a couple of days ago, my boss Joe got to test drive a Tesla roadster.

you know, the electric powered sports car that goes zero to sixty in 3.7 seconds.

sigh. i licked it. it was so pretty. carbon fiber exterior, leather interior.



green building

I took a little photowalk in the Silverlake neighborhood when I stayed in Los Angeles.  On the outside facade of a salon was a wall covered in a permeable fabric.  The fabric was cut and formed pockets in which were inserted tiny plants.  It looked amazing! I wanted to do this to my house.


the farm

Yay! The farm stand is re-opening this weekend at Agritopia.  I love their produce.  It is grown under standards that are just as stringent as organic without the hefty price tag.  It’s also really fresh because the pull it from the ground usually the day before or even that morning!



So that wasn’t an acorn squash.  It was a melon.  And I was getting prepped to stuff the “squash” with quinoa for lunch.  It was grown from seeds I purchased at the native seed store in Tucson.  Earlier this summer, I planted a lot of different things hoping anything would grown.  Quelle surprise!

(Guess I should keep better records.  Or any records.)