Category Archives: desert

scooter ride to the top


Yesterday, Joe, Tim, and I rode our Vespas up to the top of South Mountain where the radio and television towers are located. I’ve never been up there before this ride, and there is an incredible view of a large portion of the valley. We took some pictures of our scooters, and then drove back down and ate lunch at Los Dos Molinos.




So that wasn’t an acorn squash.  It was a melon.  And I was getting prepped to stuff the “squash” with quinoa for lunch.  It was grown from seeds I purchased at the native seed store in Tucson.  Earlier this summer, I planted a lot of different things hoping anything would grown.  Quelle surprise!

(Guess I should keep better records.  Or any records.)


This morning, David and I got up early and met Joe and Cindy for a scooter ride to Coolidge.  Well, David drove his car with Cindy in the passenger seat.  Not everyone enjoys the ride.  It was a busy trip down through the Queen Creek area–a lot of construction.  It’s so weird to think people live in giant homes so far east of everything.  I couldn’t believe there was so much out there.  How do people commute so far each day?

We ate breakfast at a little dive called Tad’s. Mostly farmers, local business people, and cowboys inside.  Coolidge is a town I could imagine Napolean Dynamite growing up in.

The drive back was nice too.  We went through Sacaton then through Chandler.  I did think we were going to eat some pavement with the crazy crosswinds we fought down and back, but we made it safely.



roadtrip to tucson


Earlier this summer, Aimee, Stephanie, Ryan and I traveled down to Tucson to get out of town.  The heat was inescapable as Tucson has relatively the same temperature as Phoenix, but it does have an interesting artsy, indie, hippie culture which is an oasis in itself.  In the downtown fourth avenue area, we ate at a vegetarian restaurant with a morroccan theme for lunch, purused the books at a liberal bookstore, and drank coffee at a stand with a back patio.  I watched the three others pick up mesquite pods from the dirty sidewalk in front of where we parked; they intended to make flour from the pods, but Stephanie said they went bad after a couple of forgotten weeks in the car. We also picked up native Arizonan seeds from the Native Seed Search store.  We finished the day trip with a visit to a local coffee roaster where Aimee managed to talk the owner into buying all of our drinks, and we ate dinner at the Korean restaurant next door.  And we played “Hinky-Pinky” for about a full dirty hour on the return drive.






holy blazes

It’s really hot outside.  I’m certainly not complaining (although I wish it were seventy or eighty degrees), but it’s given me sympathy for those who walk and bike and bus.  I try not to go out in the middle of the day, but I had to meet my knitting group at six this evening, and sweat was dripping down my face.  And my jacket needs a good washing and deodorizing on the interior if you know what I mean.

I did expect this heat, but I am happy to do my part to downsize.