a lot of the comforting words i was given circled around us giving peter a good home…
but i feel like the lucky one.
thank you peter. you are missed.
Today was the anniversary of John Lennon’s murder.
I was not aware of the commitment that he and Yoko Ono had to peace and non-violence. These things are close to my heart, and I spent some time today watching a video posted on imaginepeace.com. I also printed out a small poster to hang among my Christmas cards of the season. Their technique of using advertising is fascinating to me. I encourage you to watch the video. It’s a bit heart wrenching at the end, but very powerful.
WAR IS OVER! (If You Want It) from Yoko Ono on Vimeo.
I have many thoughts in my head swirling around about the way we interact with our environments, the restorative properties of healthy communities for relationships, and the symbolism and meaning of Easter. I am having a difficult time choosing the words I want to use to describe my feelings and ideas so I will simply post some pictures of my Easter day instead.
I just saw it. Loved it.
Thought it was one of the most wonderful movies I have ever seen.
I can hardly put it into words.
It was just what I needed.
I’ve been a bit reclusive since I returned from my trip. I saw so much art my brain got full…I am still uploading and resizing pictures…soon I will post them on a website.
The plane ride home felt too long. I got airsick, then my lymph nodes swelled up. I spent the last week recovering from both jet lag and some sort of ailment. Blech.
Anyway, I have done a lot of thinking lately. I am going to leave my job soon. I am going to focus on making art. My biggest revalation in Europe was that I am never going to be good at art if I don’t start truly making it. These past few years have been a desert in which I have been very parched. I am sad to leave my job because I really do love it, but it is not what I am meant to do with my life therefore I must leave it.
I am afraid of the expectations I will face. The questions…the pressure. At the same time I am excited and feel hope for the first time in a very long time. David has been most supportive, and I am grateful for that. I feel as though we have been through a lot of challenges lately, but I am more confident in our marriage that ever. I do appreciate our differences, and I am grateful that the opportunity is still there to grow. We certainly don’t have everything figured out, but I suppose that is part of the road we travel together.
Madeleine Engel died on Thursday.
She was eighty-eight.
I knew this day would come in my lifetime…I loved her in a way a person could love someone they had never met, but read intimate thoughts from their writing.
She was a beautiful woman who taught me so much about relationships, love, art, faith…
“The artist, if he has not forgotten how to listen, must retain the vision which includes angels and dragons and unicorns, and all the lovely creatures which our world would put in a box marked Children Only.”