Category Archives: creativity



I find the holidays a little stressful.  Not because I am busy, but because I feel as though I need to “match” the level of giving.  Which is strange because I really love giving gifts, and I really don’t expect anything back, but if someone gives me something I feel as though my gift should match the value of whatever I received.  Does that make sense?  Gift giving always feels particularly out of control within my family because everyone else LOVES giving gifts.

I have been trying to prepare my handmade gifts early this year.  I usually supplement with purchased handcrafted items as well.  And I also succumb to store bought items generally reserved for the adult males in my life.  And children.  I really struggle with this.  I don’t want to be “educating” my family at Christmas time.  I don’t intend on creating any guilt during what should be a joyous and thoughtful occasion.   Meh…but then I feel guilty for the excess.

How do you handle the holidays?  Thoughts?

it’s open


Well, the market finally opened.  I think everything’s been going well.  I am proud of the work that I’ve put into it.  The retail area looks great; hopefully, the rest of my products will be in soon.  I have photos on the wall across from the community board.  Mine are the three on the left and the center one.  In the second bathroom stall, about half of the photos are mine too.


It’s also been really cool getting to know the people that work there.  I was also able to get two of my friends jobs at the espresso bar.  And the food…mmm…


october 14

I am getting more and more excited for the opening of the Liberty Market.

The owners are including three of my photos on the main wall.  Look for the tomato photo, the lemon photo, and the egg and pasta photo when you go!


Phoenix Photographers

There is an exhibit being planned in the Pie Braggs Factory, opening October First Friday (October 3rd, 2008).

The theme is: Mysterious: simultaneously arousing wonder and inquisitiveness
The photographs do not need to be Halloween themed. They do need an air of mystery.

If you have photographs you would like to be considered, please contact the curator:
Please send along your artist resume/bio including a list of all exhibits and publications, as well as links to photographs you are submitting.

This is open to Phoenix based photographers only. It is a local exhibit.

update much

So, Steph gave me a hear time because I hadn’t updated in awhile. Meanwhile, her blog hasn’t gotten any action in over a month. Not that I’m saying…okay, I’m saying it. Pot…kettle.

I have been doing my best to survive the summer. In case anyone was wondering, it’s still really hot here. Somedays, it’s a bit humid. Not Tennessee humid, but humid. Supposedly, the monsoons are around. Somewhere. I think it rained once.

I realized the other day that I live in a pretty diverse area. Within a mile of my home is a Jewish Community Center, a Seventh Day Adventist Church, a Korean Church (Presbyterian I believe), a Jehovah’s Witness building (not sure what they call those), a Lutheran church, an Episcopalian church, and the Mosque is nearly ready to open. They said it would be ready in time for Ramadan. I am really excited because I can see the dome in the view from my bedroom, and they are going to paint it gold.

It’s about time somebody around here decorated something. Thanks local Muslim congregation! Perhaps it’s the artist in me, but I love love love religious buildings. We need more creative spiritual beautiful inspirational spaces to be in.

In other news, I am working on two projects for hire. One is a wooden dragon set from China. Another patient at the chiropractor’s overheard me talking about art, and said he had bought the set for over his door, but it was unfinished wood. So…it rode home on my vespa on day to be painted. Not sure if I want to paint the two dragons identically (I like mirror images) or just have them “go”.

The other project is a large painting to go over someone’s couch. She gave me a swatch of fabric with colors that she likes, and a picture of another painting she liked and asked me to use it as a jumping off point. So we shall see what comes to pass.

I’m also giving a temporary home to my friend Alyssa’s shiba inu dog. His name is Kishu, and he lives downstairs. Peter bossed Kishu around when he first arrived, but the other two cats have been chased upstairs.

I am also planning on going to the scooter rally in Flagstaff next month. Yay for scooter rallys. Rallies? I have no idea what people do at these things, but I plan on going with a group of other scooter enthusiasts. And hopefully some of my friends. And hopefully, I won’t be a big dork with my helmet and jacket. Safety first though, right?

Below is a picture of just how awesome trampoline are because of how they make us feel. Hooray for trampolines! And hooray for MacIntyre’s and Schroeders!
