Author Archives: jcarey


I will have a piece in the Windup Gallery in downtown Mesa this Saturday.

The opening reception for the show is from 7pm to 11pm.  My piece isn’t in the featured show but will be in the back of the gallery–come out and support me so that I can work my way to the front of the gallery!  Somebody buy it!!

p.s. Support the art scene in Mesa.

last roll of film: edited

Here is the latest roll of film I had developed. I have pictures from March through August…


Amy, Liz Dick, Atticus in downtown Denver

Portrait of Liz on the farm


Dick and Liz: they sure love Eaton


Laundry line on the farm


Last morning on the farm


Amy, me, Atticus


Kate, me, Joey


Kate in her Easter bonnet


Kate with a truck


Miles on Easter


Reflective Kate


Pensive Miles


Kelli at the William’s Deer Farm




Trista’s baby shower


I picked up a copy of Michael Frost’s Exiles based on the recommendation of John. John reads about fifty books a week but his review of this particular book grabbed my attention.

I went to Quo Vadis to buy it, and the first time it was out of stock. My second trip to the store was successful, and I brought home my copy.

I am surprised at how I resonate with the ideas in this book. I am barely even in the second chapter, and I have underlined a significant portion of the text. I hope the remainder of the book does not disappoint.

Frost speaks of the materialism of our day,

“Like a pagan Babylonian religion, it demands all our attention, insisting on everything we have to offer, until in the end all our efforts are bent into its service. As a result, the empire thrives on inequality, injustice, opression, and deceit. The greed inspired by such a world leads to environmental destruction, religious persecution, and apathy towards suffering. Today, we need tenacious followers of Jesus who are prepared to make fun of the powerlessness of these gods and their inability to save or to heal. This will take not only our words, but also our actions, our radical lifestyles.”

air filters

Don’t forget to change your air filters if you haven’t done it in the last three months.  It will ensure your air inside is cleaner and your AC unit won’t have to work as hard.  It’s especially important here in the summer months because of the extra dust in the air, the extra use of the system, and pets tend to shed more.