I find the holidays a little stressful. Not because I am busy, but because I feel as though I need to “match” the level of giving. Which is strange because I really love giving gifts, and I really don’t expect anything back, but if someone gives me something I feel as though my gift should match the value of whatever I received. Does that make sense? Gift giving always feels particularly out of control within my family because everyone else LOVES giving gifts.
I have been trying to prepare my handmade gifts early this year. I usually supplement with purchased handcrafted items as well. And I also succumb to store bought items generally reserved for the adult males in my life. And children. I really struggle with this. I don’t want to be “educating” my family at Christmas time. I don’t intend on creating any guilt during what should be a joyous and thoughtful occasion.  Meh…but then I feel guilty for the excess.
How do you handle the holidays? Thoughts?