Monthly Archives: October 2008

it’s open


Well, the market finally opened.  I think everything’s been going well.  I am proud of the work that I’ve put into it.  The retail area looks great; hopefully, the rest of my products will be in soon.  I have photos on the wall across from the community board.  Mine are the three on the left and the center one.  In the second bathroom stall, about half of the photos are mine too.


It’s also been really cool getting to know the people that work there.  I was also able to get two of my friends jobs at the espresso bar.  And the food…mmm…




I recently went over to my friend Brandon’s business to take some photos for their new and improved website.  Check them out–I took the profile pics, the banner pics under the “Us”, “Contact”, “Blog”, and “Careers” headings.  (That last one is one of my favorites.)

october 14

I am getting more and more excited for the opening of the Liberty Market.

The owners are including three of my photos on the main wall.  Look for the tomato photo, the lemon photo, and the egg and pasta photo when you go!
