sick of the slander

I wrote the email below because I am tired of receiving ridiculous emails regarding Obama.  There seems to be quite the dirty smear campaign going on.  I decided to send this email to the offenders in the hopes that they will do a little fact checking instead of clicking the forward button.  Feel free to copy and edit the text for your own use.


Dear Friends and Family,


This is a very exciting election year; I am watching the presidential election closely.


As of this moment, I have not decided for whom I will vote.  I have watched most of the Democratic National Convention, and I plan on watching a fair amount of the Republican National Convention.  I want to hear what the candidates have to say.  I want to hear the content of their speeches and the those of their supporters.  I am hardly at all interested in the mostly biased and shallow commentary by the “news” reporters on television.  Most of what we hear on television is actually speculation and opinion.


I am certainly not interested in forwarded emails that are formulated of heresy and slander about either candidate.  I do not want to read anything that has to do with smearing the name of your candidate’s opponent. 


I would be interested in your own personal emails about why you would like me to consider your choice for presidential office.  Perhaps his character, past work/government experience, or vice presidential choice might be excellent talking points for you.  Might I suggest visiting your candidate’s website for more suggestions?


Here are both candidates’ official websites listed in alphabetical order by last name:


If you would like to peruse the actual facts regarding recent slander against Obama I recommend visiting:


(I have included these links because I have received a lot of smear emails against Obama in particular. I find them offensive because they are not accurate, and that makes me want to defend him.)


May the best candidate prevail!
