Monthly Archives: March 2008



Tonight Stephanie and I leave for a week for Austin, Texas. I am thrilled to go to a place that I’ve wanted to visit for years. The art culture, the food, the music…the river…Iwould wag my tail if I had one.

Tuesday through Thursday we will attend an arts symposium. The questions of the conference will center around the role of an artist within the context of faith–in what way is art a gift, a calling, an obedience? What are the dangers of artistic activity? I myself see an artist as a prophet of sorts–one who challenges a sleeping populace.

I am looking for answers, more questions, inspiration, and challenges.

The rest of the trip will be spent in a combination of exploring Austin and hanging out with Stephanie’s best friend Melanie who is also kind enough to put us up for a week.

anniversary numero seis


David and I shared our sixth anniversary yesterday.  On Saturday we ate dinner at the Citrus Cafe which is a little French restaurant just down the road from us.  Everything was delicious, and my amuse-bouche definitely amused my bouche.  The last one was a homemade tarragon ice cream.

I can’t believe how quickly six years goes by…it seems as though we just married yet we’ve known each other for so long.  I’m so happy to be married to David.  He is intelligent, funny, hard-working, and he makes a mean tuna casserole.  I am not kidding.

easter 2008


I have many thoughts in my head swirling around about the way we interact with our environments, the restorative properties of healthy communities for relationships, and the symbolism and meaning of Easter. I am having a difficult time choosing the words I want to use to describe my feelings and ideas so I will simply post some pictures of my Easter day instead.







knitting class


I was lucky enough to be invited on a vacation with my mother-in-law and her friends. (Okay, I invited myself along.) I never would have been able to make it had I been working at my old job. It feels great to have that freedom for the first time in years.

I taught all three of my fellow vactioners how to knit. I must tell you, they were very competitive. They kept holding their knitting up to one another’s knitting just to see who was the fastest knitter. Lynn kept ripping out her entire piece everytime she made a mistake.

I had a wonderful time. It was so beautiful near the beach.


the calgary herald

David’s brother’s family was featured in The Calgary Herald regarding their Compact year-long commitment. The full article is online here. They’ve really been able to spread their message about the experiment they are doing through different venues none of which they’ve set out to pursue. You’d think that they wouldn’t be exposed to that many people, but they’ve been an example at Thomas’s work, another large church in Calgary, and now the city paper. I’m really excited to hear about how the year continues to play out.

They both have been blogging at a specific site in order to share their story, and Malora recently posted about some cute zipper bags she sewed in order to pack snacks for Noah instead of plastic bags. They are really clever.




I have been so sick.  I have cabin fever.  Stuck in the house, head congestion, sinus pressure, coughing, sneezing…ugh.  I am so sad because I thought I would be better today.  Everyone went to the Renaissance Festival to celebrate Wendi’s birthday.  I know I will still get to go, but I was hoping to go with them.  I am feeling sorry for myself.  Instead, I will post a picture of me at the Faire on a better day:
