Category Archives: food photography

Portland Food Photography: Portland Juice Press

Okay seriously. This place is so good! I heard about it through someone on Instagram (can’t remember who), and I rode my bike up Milwaukee to visit it. It’s right by Bushwacker’s Cider.

portland juice company

They juice hundred’s of pounds of vegetables, fruit, and nuts every day. They specialize is juice fasts-you can actually have them deliver to your house or work. I just happen to like fresh juice and had a craving for a thick nut milk. So I picked out The Ohm. It was perfect. Exactly what I wanted: hazelnuts, dates, cinnamon, and filtered water.

portland juice company e -8909

If you are undecided, they have no problem opening up bottles for you to sample the flavors. Next time, I am getting the lemon, ginger, honey one.

e -8910

They even have these vintage inspired postcards -FOR FREE! I took one or six.

portland juice company


ugly mug

ugly mug


There’s so many great things about our new neighborhood. I’ve mentioned the many coffee shops, and here is a cappuccino from one called The Ugly Mug. They brew Stumptown coffee which is a local roaster.

This shop has a high shelf filled with a lot of mugs. (ha!) They serve a handful of pastries, coffee and espresso, and even beer and wine. They’ve got games and books and the rumour is that you can bring your dog inside although I haven’t witnessed that yet.

I’ve come in today to start working on some photos that need to be edited. It’s been a whirlwind of unpacking, planting, meeting new people, job hunting, and going for walks. David and I are both so amazed by all the lush greenery and the budding blooms of spring. It’s incredible. You can find more photos of our journey on our instagram feeds here or here.

matt’s big breakfast and giant coffee

Chanelle and I went on a little adventure yesterday to Matt’s Big Breakfast and Giant Coffee. They both belong to Matt and Erenia Pool (and also The Roosevelt Tavern which we didn’t visit.)

Matt’s Big Breakfast is delicious! They focus on simply prepared local ingredients. You may have heard of the incredibly long wait, but they’ve recently relocated just a block north into a larger building! With bathrooms! Yay! I ordered a cherry bourbon sausage and a fried egg. So.freaking.good.

After that, we drove over to Giant Coffee-Chanelle ordered a macchiato and I got an espresso con panna. They serve Four Barrel Coffee which is from San Francisco. Very third wave style.

I added the whole set of photos to my flickr sets here and here.

interview series: chanelle!

I first knew of Chanelle through twitter. She was doing what she does-taking photos, talking about food, having a good time…to be honest I was jealous. She then showed up at a the first Ignite Phoenix I went to, and she presented on The Art of Enjoying Food (I just watched the video again.) We began following each other on twitter, talking back and forth, and we first met at her house! She invited me and Rachel (also who I had never yet met), over for chocolate, knitting, and pajamas! Some time after that, I asked her to be part of my group reading through The Artist’s Way. Along the way, we became friends in real life. 



Jamie: Tell us a little about yourself.


i am a mother to two super rad spawn, caleb and arie, who will undoubtedly change the world…. and wife to one wonderful husband, gabe, who has changed my life and the world already.  we all love anthony bourdain, macaroni and cheese, pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.

i love food. and drink. reading about it, photographing it, writing about it, preparing it and also eating it. especially the eating part. i have worked in and around kitchens my whole life, i collect cookbooks, and usually think about what i want for dinner before i’ve even had my first bite of breakfast.

i am also a musician.  music is life to me…i can find harmony in everything.  i’ve been told it’s like a superpower.  🙂
we have a music room in our home with everything from a rhodes to a vintage drum kit to an accordion to a kazoo. i have even used a lemon-pepper mill as a shaker while jamming with friends.  it sounded really good but tasted better.
i create and perform music with my husband gabe as “the bear and the bird” and nothing makes me happier.   we have performed in a singer-songwriter showcase and at a couple local venues, and we are currently writing new music to share soon.

aaaand i am a photographer.  mostly food [surprise!], but i venture out into portraits, music photography and powerlines too.  i see and hear the world a little differently, and i like to share that with anyone who cares to see the world through my heart.  once upon a time, i was in the top five best flickr photographer finalists in mashable’s open web awards.  and i have had my photos displayed in a children’s art museum too. that felt pretty good.

i don’t like: capitalization, mushrooms or pants.


Jamie: I’m trying to imagine your expression if you had to compose an instagram with proper capitalization of yourself eating mushrooms while wearing pants. Does that make me a bad person? But I suppose my real question is what has your journey as a musician looked like?



first of all, jamie – i love you.  second, i will never properly capitalize an instagram of myself eating mushrooms while wearing pants with anything but the most ridiculous expression on my face.  imagine bitter beer face combined with the wicked witch of the west and add some indigestion.  whatever visual that gives you is probably pretty accurate.

as for my journey into music, i feel like i have just begun, honestly.  i am finding my voice, my sound, myself….more and more every day.  i always sing, always play, always listen…and always learn something new about music, myself, others through every note.
i grew up listening to my dad play the most beautiful renditions of classic 70’s rock songs [cream, yes, led zeppelin, ah yeah!!] on his acoustic guitar, and i finally found the self-discipline to teach myself guitar when i was 15.  i mostly softly played songs to myself in the quiet of my own room through my teens and early twenties.  [side note: i am old.]  i am horribly self-conscious, and being on stage or recording in the studio [or just being around people ever, haha!] – well, it’s frightening.  i was not ready for that for a long, long time.  i still don’t feel ready. 😉
a couple years ago i started reading this wonderful book called The Artist’s Way [you may recall, since you invited me to be a part of a book club for that very purpose] [have i told you how grateful i am for you lately?] ANYWAY, i was so encouraged and inspired to break out of my crippling internal fears and finally express the art inside me, so i decided to get crazy and go perform at a local open mic night. *gasp* i was nervous as hell, had only my two spawn there to root me on and you know what?  i was terrified.  AND I LOVED IT. in an ALL CAPS KIND OF LOVE.  i began practicing every day, sometimes several times a day, recording rough covers on my laptop and with fear and courage, posted those recordings online.  i cannot say that a major record company discovered me and offered me a gazillion dollar record deal, i have never been asked to play live on conan, nor has jack white phoned me to jam [my ultimate dream of dreams] BUT, it gave me the strength to do many, many other things i needed to do to be true to my heart of hearts and i cannot even think about all i have been through since without many grateful tears.  i started and performed in a band with a dear friend of mine, bryan mok, for about a year, moved forward from an oppressive marriage and then unexpectedly found the love of my life, recorded an album with another dear friend Kymberlee, and have now started a musical project with my husband that has good, good things in store.  just to name a very few.


i have finally learned to follow my heart with my voice, and it has only become stronger, better, happier every day, thanks to the lovely supportive souls i have encountered along the way.  freedom is a beautiful anthem, and i am grateful to sing it.



Jamie: You and I are very much into The Enneagram. What has learning about your number done for you in your life?


the enneagram is an incredibly enlightening personality guide… it has educated me on the healthy and not-so-healthy aspects of the way i view myself, others, and the world around me.   when i first learned about the enneagram, and more importantly, that i am a four [introspective, sensitive, brooding], i felt as though a great weight had been lifted from my soul.  i no longer felt crazy for processing life in the unique way that i do…and i felt like i could finally begin to understand and appreciate myself and others just as we all are, and learn to be the best version of myself moving forward every day.  i truly encourage everyone to use the enneagram to learn more about themselves, to become better, more enlightened.  socrates once said: “know thyself”… and therein lies the first and most important lesson.  only after you learn who you truly are can you begin to know others, and how to truly love them.


Jamie: I think I experienced that same lightening of the soul when I discovered all that entailed being a one [principled, purposeful, perfectionistic], and that I could could let myself and others grow. The thing I like best about the Enneagram is that it gives a direction for healthy integration of self. For example, for someone like me, I’m supposed to try to relax! Hahaha! What?! So, uh, what are you supposed to do?

well, fours are naturally creative and intuitive and feeling…but that can go dark very quickly. i experience such a depth of emotion over *everything*, and i have to be careful to remember that my feelings are not always a reality, and therefore do not need to define my total experience.  i am supposed to be confident in who i am, purposefully creative, and not jealous of my perception of the peace and calm and self confidence EVERYONE else seems to have.  a healthy me means a joyful, creative, inspired and inspiring heart…. using my intuition to love and learn and move forward and enrich the lives of others.  also, i am supposed to be more like ones, haha!  so let’s just trade.


(photo credit: chanelle sinclair)


Jamie: Are you more auditory or visual?



(photo credit: chanelle sinclair)

Jamie: Would you like to share some internet links?


daily dose of inspiration and love:

my two favouritest food blogs in all the land:

know thyself:

for your ears:


 Jamie: I just want to thank Chanelle for participating in my series! As always, your questions are always welcome in the comments of this post.


montana in az

one of my jobs is the social media for liberty market in downtown gilbert, arizona.
great restaurant; love the owners.
each month they host a community dinner. basically, you buy a seat and eat what is served to you.
it’s fun because you get to know other people at your table and the chef gets to experiment on you.
sometimes i buy a seat, but most of the time i take photos.
here’s my latest set.

thanksgiving 2011

we celebrated this thanksgiving the way we celebrate every thanksgiving.

at my sister’s place. well, every other-she and my mom switch christmas and thanksgiving hosting duties.

anyway, she and her husband make the best turkeys.

they smoke one and fry the other.

one has perfectly fried skin, the inside is nice and moist.

the other tastes delicious. the meat tastes like bacon.

well, i suppose it just reminds me of bacon, but hey-a heaping serving of bacony flavored turkey?!

below, the fried one.

below, the smoked one.

mashed potatoes, cranberries

i made brussel sprouts, but no picture. how about this orange & pomegranate dish?

there were also pies, and someone made cupcakes!

hope you had a happy thanksgiving too!